Saturday, December 24, 2005

Day 2

Day 2:

Okay.. where to start... last night was my 2nd day of participating in MMA. They train Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. I was again really nervous last night the few hours before leaving for MMA... my muscles were all so stiff and sore still from Monday. I was very concerned that I wouldn't be able to do very much because of all the stiffness and soreness, and I was especially worried because Wednesdays and Fridays are cardio days... and I was not looking forward to that...

Anyhow, there were about 6 people there today.. John, Jerry, Nick, Keagan, Karl, and a chick who stayed for the cardio, Meaghan. So I did my stretches and stuff waiting for the cardio to start.. and then it finally started. It started with us doing these standing squat-type things. We did this for what.. maybe 5 minutes? I think that is what the increment timer is at. At first I was like, ah, this is hard but I can handle this. Then as time went on and on it got much more painful. But I managed to do it. BEEEEP goes the timer.

Next was this bunny-hop thing.. again lined up at the back of the mats facing the mirror we all hoped to one end and back. OMG THIS IS THE HARDEST THING EVER. I managed to do it there and back once.. then I was DEAD. My theighs were absolutely killing me, and something happened to my toes.. they were so messed up lol.. so I rested for a couple minutes then tried it again. OMG still so hard. This bunny-hop killed me for the rest of the night... mostly because of the muscle pain it caused.

Then we did a crawlly thing where you go on hands and feet and crawl to one end and back. I tried this, and thought "Ah, finally.. this isn't bad at all, and it looks like I'm doing it right too.. yay!" I did that twice or thrice straight, then I had to stop.. something hurt.. I can't remember what.. I think it was my forearms or ankles or both. I took a rest then did a couple more.
The 'cardio' went on and on with the buzzer going every 5 minutes and a new exercise being started. We did these fast-crunches which I'm sure were longer than 5 minutes.. I was trying so hard.. every muscle was hurting and I was so gassed but I was trying as hard as I could. It got to the point where I couldn't even lift my HEAD up anymore! Seriously.. so I had to go for water.. which wasn't the first time.. I had basically went to my water after every exercise and drank and drank.. nobody else had. And nobody else had even slowed down in any of the exercises either.

BEEEEEP! The next exercises were included things such as pushups, more situp thingies, bicycle pedaling things on your back, some bridge thing holding yourself up with yoru legs and head but no arms, etc. etc.

BEEEEP! Oh shit. The rope. No, please not the rope! Yes, it was time for the rope.. I'm not sure what these things are called, but I believe they are "up and unders" or something like that. I did NOT want to try these.. they looked hard enough without me being all insanely tired and unwalkable. And even though I was so dead, I tried anyway. My first few jumps were pathetic... I couldn't jump at all.. LITERALLY anymore, so I dropped down and started to do them. I did about 4 or so then I just started dropping straight down.. like.. KA-PLOW because I was so tired and couldn't do them properly lol.. then I gave in and said I couldn't do anymore and Meagan, the girl, asked me if I was sure I couldn't.. she was like "really?" I'm like "yeah there's no way.." and she's like "are you sure?" "definitely.. im so dead" "really?" argh.. it was almost becoming a scene! Anyhow, then she went and did them again.. it's amazing how fit these people are.. or amazing how unfit I am. Maybe both.

After the ropes, we got to rest for about 2 minutes, then it was up to our feet for boxing in the mirror. That was only for about 10 minutes, I went and did that.. but at the end of it, we did this kick thing.. and for some reason, I got SO dizzy.. which makes partial sense since it was like a low kick then you turn around.. but I was overly dizzy.. like that shouldn't really have got me dizzy I don't think.. maybe I was just too messed up from all the cardio.. so I had to really sit down.. and then I was having trouble simply standing/walking.. like I literally couldn't stand anymore..

So I sat down, drank more, and they were finally done the cardio portion, which was nearly an hour long I believe.. maybe 50 minutes. I tried my hardest, but only managed to really do about half of what everyone else did. Then John came up to me and asked how I was doing.. he said they've been doing this for years and are used to it, and it just takes time and stuff.. which did help a bit...

We got to rest for about 5-10 minutes then they went to the mats again and started showing us how to do some bjj.. i believe it was something like converting from a keylock in mount position to an armbar.. something like that. I was watching from just off the corner of the mats, by my bag and water and stuff, then Jerry, one of the trainers, and a guy who never really looked at me or talked to me, yelled at me to come over onto the mats closer. So that was kinda good. So I went up close and watched. John then asked if I could roll, but I said I couldn't..... I was completely wasted after the cardio.

So I watched and rested, and was starting to get a little better, but not a whole lot. They paired up and slowly practiced the new moves.. now this was my mistake for the day. I could have tried this.. I should have asked if I could try it a couple times, but didn't. Anyhow, after that, they sparred/rolled for the rest of the time. Was about 2.5 hours again total. I loved watching the rolling.. my favourite part...

So I was feeling bad becuase I had such a hard time with the cardio, and I'm really wondering how I'll do tomorrow since there is cardio again. Will I last a little bit longer? Will I not last as long because I'm extra sore? Should I show up a bit late so I only do half the cardio and then maybe have a bit of energy to do some rolling?

I really hope my body gets better so I can last the cardio.. Anyhow, so then I talked to Keagan for a little bit while watching others roll. Asked him how long he's been training etc. Then I watched more rolling. Then Jerry walked by and said "Ahh.. rugburn eh?". Which was good.

But the best part was at the end. I was beginning to think the guys were getting sick of me and such.. but at the end agian, as people left one by one, they say bye to everyone one on one, and touch hands or something before they leave. And Jerry went up to me and asked me what my name was again and shook hands and said something like "right on brother" lol, anyhow i love the camaraderie of it all.. and I went off myself after saying bye to everyone.

Soooo.. I didn't get to roll or anything, but I found the hell that is the cardio. Definitely not looking forward to that tomorrow. I'm not sure if I shoudl show up a bit late and just do some of it so I have some energy to roll, or if I should show up at the beginning and try to last longer.
I almost threw up at one point too.. one of those small ones.. u know.. it's strange.. I find it hell.. pure hell and a lot of it sucks like the cardio.. but at the same time, I felt good when I said bye and left the gym.. like a sense of accomplishment or something. It's hell, but I'm gonna try my hardest to keep going and to perservere. From what I'm told, the hardest part is getting used to it and getting your body used to it.. so I'm gonna keep going even though it's really hard right now.

Wish me luck tomorrow during cardio :S


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